Privacy Policy

Who is responsible for your data?


CIF: B72516289

Registered Office: CL Malmoe, 81 1º b, MADRID – 28032 (MADRID)


Data Protection Officer:



Phone: +34 664184268

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not address, and we will not be responsible for, the privacy, information, or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any site to which these Portals contain a link. The inclusion of a link on the Portals does not imply endorsement of the linked site by us or our affiliates.


Lawfulness of data processing 

We respect your privacy. Therefore, we only process your personal data when we are authorized to do so. You may give us your consent to process your personal data when the processing requires it. In other cases, if you use services on our website that require your data to be carried out, we will be authorized to process your data for the execution of such activity. An example of this is the registration of entries that we collect to ensure, for example, that our website operates without errors (including technical maintenance of the website). In any case, we will inform you about the processing of personal data that is carried out, and of course, your rights and interests will always be taken into account. If you have any questions about your personal data, you will find your data protection rights later on this same page.


Purpose of data processing 

We will not make personal information public without consent. We do not sell or voluntarily share personal information.

NOVUNIVERSUM, SL will process your data as a user, manually and/or automated, for the following specific purposes:

  • Create anonymous statistical reports regarding access habits and the activity performed by users on the website.
  • Carry out the necessary actions to protect the interests of customers when necessary or to comply with judicial resolutions and the measures agreed therein.
  • Send electronic communications with offers, promotions, and news related to our activity, only if you, as a customer, have consented or have not expressly opposed it.
  • If you decide to contact us outside a contractual relationship or without registering, you can do so through the website or the contact email.


To correctly process your request when you contact us, we may ask you to provide personal data such as your name, email, and any other information related to your request and your message. Optionally, you may provide your postal address and/or phone number. We collect the requested information solely to properly manage your request. The data will not be used for any additional purposes nor communicated to third parties without your express consent, unless authorized by law. If not required by law to retain your personal data, it will be deleted once your request has been processed.


If you submit your CV to us, we will process your data to evaluate and manage your job application and, if applicable, to carry out the necessary actions for personnel selection and hiring, offering you positions that match your profile.

For technical reasons, each time your browser accesses our website, information is automatically sent to our server (e.g., navigation data). Part of this information is stored in log files, such as:

  • Date of access
  • Time of access
  • URL of the page
  • Version of the HTTP protocol
  • Files accessed
  • Volume of data transferred
  • Type and version of the internet browser
  • Type of operating system
  • IP address (anonymized)

Navigation data does not include personal data. We only analyze navigation data when necessary, especially to resolve operational issues or security incidents. We store this data indefinitely.


Recipients of data transfer 

We only transfer the personal data we collect to data processors who have formalized a data processing agreement with our entity, committing to the proper handling of our records.

We may also be required to transfer personal data when necessary to provide the service or address the requested inquiry, as well as in cases provided by law.


Retention period of personal data 

NOVUNIVERSUM, SL will retain your personal data, as a user, only for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, while you do not revoke the granted consents. Subsequently, if necessary, the information will be blocked for the legally established periods, in any case, for 5 years, or the period established by law for any action that may arise from the processing.

In the case of data provided with your CV to participate in a selection process, they will be retained for 3 years from the date of the last update. After this period, if they have not been updated, the data will be deleted unless you indicate otherwise.


User rights 

You can send us a letter to NOVUNIVERSUM, SL, CL Malmoe, 81 1º b, MADRID – 28032 (MADRID), or send us an email to, to perform any of the following actions:

  • Revoke granted consents.
  • Obtain confirmation about whether NOVUNIVERSUM, SL is processing personal data concerning you or not.
  • Access your personal data.
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Obtain from NOVUNIVERSUM, SL the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided in the data protection regulations are met.
  • In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, object to the processing of your data. NOVUNIVERSUM, SL will stop processing the data unless there are compelling legitimate reasons, or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Obtain human intervention, to express your point of view, and to challenge automated decisions.
  • Request the portability of your data.
  • File a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( when the data subject considers that NOVUNIVERSUM, SL has violated the rights recognized by the applicable data protection regulations.